November 03, 2007

Internet Freedom??

Just imagine every time you want to proceed to the next page it takes like a minute to change. Well with some pages are banned from viewing, it might irritate users. some people mis-use the internet instead of appreciating the amazing technology that made life so much easier for people.

There are so many issues surrounding the internet, the government had set up a task force to regulate internet sites with pornographic and seditious content. So much for the internet freedom and the "Multimedia Super Corridor"(MMC). some people use internet to do illegal activities.

And the recent Nurin's case, some people leaked out her pictures which caused a lot of controversy. So are people appreciating the internet or abusing the internet? Well many will say they appreciate the internet, because the internet made lives so easy. we don't have to wait weeks to send a letter across the ocean. It will only take a mere seconds to send a e mail

With the recent fuss about the censorship law for the internet, finally the government decided to just set up a task force to "keep an eye" on sites. Just imagine every website you go s blocked or being filtered. Than what is the use for internet?

With new laws for internet users and also bloggers, there isn't much of a freedom we have. We are being controlled every words we type or publish. People who uses the internet must be responsible for their action. Sometimes we cannot blame the government for implementing laws that are absurd, but its sometimes there are some morons that do stuff that hurt people or they are illegal.

So internet freedom is still there but users have to be more mature in using the internet for a better cause.

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