November 03, 2007

Are newspaper really newspaper??

What are the roles of newspaper, obviously report on the truth about the story. Some newspaper in some countries are reporting the truth but not the whole truth.
Firstly, what is the media's purpose and why are they doing it? The reason why news media is not able the whole truth is because some news media are own by one person or the government.

For example, Rupert Murdoch who owns Fox news, majority of news media in Australia and more. If something bad happen to his company or himself, would he allow the reporter or newspaper to tell the whole truth.Yes probably there will be some information that will be published but somehow some information that are virtually important are not published. Sometimes that one information that is not mentioned can change the whole story.

News media that are partially owned by the government have the utmost control over some sensitive issues. The news media does not care about the public interest at all.For example, the recent march of Malaysian lawyers which they call "Walk of Justice". There are some points that i would like to mentioned. Firstly is that the news was not on the front page of some news media. And the most funny thing is that they didn't post pictures. Isn't pictures one of the most important things to compliment the story. a picture paints a million words.

According to Kress & van Leeuwen (1998) visuals create a balance in supporting the text and the message that are published. Visuals are important, if gives the readers a gist of what is happening and also with visuals, it will attract readers at a glance.

An example:

The Star’s quote

“When lawyers walk, something is wrong ... that means we would like to see changes,”

International Herald Tribune’s quote

“Lawyers don't walk every day. When lawyers walk something's wrong," she said, adding that the credibility of the judiciary has suffered since 1988, when constitutional changes reduced judicial powers, giving the government the upper hand in making decisions.”

Another flaw in this issue is that, the local news media did not even mention anything about the presence of riot police with rifles and batons. The differences of views for readers who actually read other news media that mentioned the riot police and the readers who read the local news media. Their views on the issue will be so different. So why is the government not publishing the pictures of riot police and the lawyers who marched?

Picture from a local media

Picture taken from Reuters..the full picture.Look at the banner.

Picture taken from Reuters with riot police.

The three pictures above will give you the whole idea of the issue i am talking about. Do people wonder the news credibility? Readers have the right to know the whole truth. So the issue of this can only be resolved with the people knowing the whole truth.

References:, 2007, 'Malaysia lawyers hold rare demonstration for reform' , viewed 3 November 2007; [internet],,2007, 'Lawyers walk for justice', viewed 3 November 2007; [internet],

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